Irish blogger whacked for more than 100,000 Euro libel hit

Unlike one of the posters to this story, writing in a blog does not make you immune to the law, particularly defamation law, as has been reinforced in every country in the world: the type of media you choose to communicate in does not give you protection from libelous, reckless, reputation smashing language. It’s about $150,000 Canadian,  plus legal costs, which according to the story can run up to eight times as much. Oh, not to mention that the hapless blogger just lost his job. Not to worry; once he has one, he can look forward to having his wages garnisheed for life. Knowing defamation law is as important as knowing communications software.

The Sunday Times, January 31 2010

One Response

  1. […] Indeed, there had been quite a detailed report at the time in the Sunday Independent; and in the last week, many blogs have pored over the story. […]

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